Thursday, January 30, 2025

I am not ashamed

Are you afraid to share the gospel? Why are you not confident about it ? How can you equip yourself?

To equip ourselves, we need to read the bible to gain knowledge. If we are knowledgeable, then we are more confident to share the gospel. If we gain that confidence, then we are not afraid and not ashamed to share the gospel.

In Romans 1:16, Paul emphasize his desire of sharing the gospel and he is not ashamed on it. He is confident to share because he has experienced Jesus in his life. He is the living testimony of that one living God. 

As we walk with God and be true to our mission, we need to share the gospel and make disciples.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

1 out of 99

Are you willing to look for an outcast from the many in-crowd? Will you spend time to share a gospel to a non-believer and leave your fellow Christians?

In the parable of the sheep in Matthew 18:12, a shepherd left the 99 sheeps to look for the one sheep who is missing. When he found that lost sheep, he was very happy for his return. This parable showcase the love of God for His people. Even you are the only one who went astray, He will spend time looking for you. The heavens will also celebrate in your return.

How can we apply this verse in our life? As Christians, we have a mission to share the gospel and make disciples. In a crowd of fellow believers, will you be satisfied to just be talking with fellow believers? Or are you willing to step out of your comfort zone?  Share the gospel to a non-believer and transform a life one person at a time?

Just like what the shepherd has done in saving 1 sheep out from the 99 sheeps. The shepherd left the 99 to look for the one. We can also save a non-believer by sharing the gospel. One person at a time. If one of them will repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, then heaven will rejoice.

Have ears to hear

We are lucky to have a complete set of body parts. We can talk, write and listen to others. Are you willing to share the good news to others? Will they listen to you?

Jesus emphasize that everybody should receive the word of God. In Mark 4:9, He said "Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear." Are people who have ears pretens to be deaf? Or others may be impaired but willing to hear?

People sometimes choose to ignore things they don't want to hear even if they heard about it. They chose not to receive the message. But there are others who are willing to listen and learn. 

There are various types of people in the crowd. But lets take a chance in every opportunity that we can share the gospel. Some of them will listen but most of them do not. Its okay, we need to continue our journey because this is our mission to share the gospel and make disciples. 

Let us show our empathy when we speak and listen to others withour judgment. Lets listen and seek to understand. Be an emphatic listener.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hidden Treasure

Is wealth important to you? Are you longing to buy the most precious stuff? Does it make you happy?

Money can't buy happiness as they say. But what if the one you are buying is the kingdom of heaven? 

In Matthew 13:44 NIV, it says:

[44]  “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

The field represents our lives to Christ. If we bought that field we dedicated our lives to Him and follow His teachings. Can you sacrifice your wealth for the kingdom of God?

We may not have all the riches in the world. But we can always give our time, love and kindness to others. Having a Christ-like character and being able to share the gospel to others, is more than enough. 

We have the power to buy that field to keep the wealth in our hearts and soul!