Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Lighten your load

Scripture of the day: "Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you, he will never permit the righteous to be moved." -  Psalm 55:22

Image result for heavy load

We are working very hard day and night to earn income and to provide for our family. Sometimes we feel that this is a never-ending journey, our tasks are infinite every day and our bosses always add targets to our daily checklist. Are you tired and feeling that you are trap in this corporate slavery? Or do you wish to end your work but you have no choice but to continue? Do you feel that you are forced to do your work just to earn a meager salary that cannot even compensate for your daily expenses? It's a natural thing for us to be tired and complain about some things we don't have control of. But feeling heavy in all our work is a choice. You can continue working lightly even though it's heavy if you offer your works to God. Your burden is God's burden so cast all of these heavy loads to the Lord and he will lighten it. He will carry you through it. Just be patient and glorify His name in all of the things you do every day. Our Lord will lighten our daily loads, you just need to call upon His name!

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