Sunday, February 9, 2025

Steadfast Minds

Did you know that whatever we visualize in our minds will reflect our emotions and actions? Having happy thoughts influence our positive attitude. In contrast,  pessimistic mindsets result to stress and frustration. With these daily struggles, how can we align our mind to our heart and body? 

Prophet Isaiah in his book 26:3, emphasize the importance of keeping our mind at ease, it says:

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you." 
- Isaiah 26:3 (NIV)

The solution to our predicaments is to focus on improving our thinking. Our thoughts is the most powerful tool in our lives. It can either make or break us. How can we achieve perfect peace? Let our minds be consistently thinking about God. Put God as the center of your thoughts, and reflect on His teachings, meditate on it and apply it. 

The formula is:

God's thoughts + steadfastness = Peaceful Mind & Heart -----> leading to a Christ-like character

How we visualize our future will influence our feelings and then our actions. There is great power in the way we think. So, let us think about godly thoughts every second, every minute and every hour of the day. With this habit, we can change our feelings and emotions into positive ones. Finally, this will transcend in our daily actions and reflect in our character as a person.

Feed your mind with God's word everyday by reading the bible.

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