Are you easily influence by what people do in your surroundings? Are you inspired to be like them?
As a lecturer in Economics since 2012, I really look up to my teachers in college. Now that I am a doctoral student, I look up to my Professors and Experts in my field. I am inspired when I attend conferences and listen to their presentations and lectures. I am amazed on how knowledgeable they are. I am impressed with their several research publications. I want to be like them in future. They are my examples of how to become professors in my field.
We have good role models in our lives and we should mimic what they do. We want to be the good ones. However, our surroundings does not help us in molding our character. We want to be good but we have friends who are doing bad things. Our character is molded based on what we put in our mind and who are the people we associate with.
How can we practice the good character? In Philippians 4:9 (NASB 1995), Paul says " The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace be with you."
Paul reminded us to receive the message of God from the bible intently. We should read, listen, reflect, meditate, pray, apply and share the gospel to all nations. We should mimic a Christ-like character and always be closer to people who also exhibit such personality. Your surroundings will mold your character.
We should embody the godly character and influence the people around us. In this way, we create a community of believers that help create Christ-committed followers who will also make Christ-committed followers to every nation.
Are you ready to practice what you learned? Be a beacon of hope to someone today. Share the gospel and be a role model.
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