Do you choose the easy or difficult path to success? Or are you willing to challenge yourself and get out of your comfort zones?
People are deceived by the wide gate because its easy to enter. However, they do not think about the consequences for the convenience. We tend to ignore the hard things and settle for convenience at the status quo. How can we equip ourselves with wisdom to choose the right path?
In Matthew 7:13 says, " The gate to destruction is wide and the road that leads there is easy to follow." This verse clearly explains that the easy way is not safe. Always choose the challenging path. God has a purpose in everything. In every difficulty, there is a surprising reward. A delayed gratification will let us have self-control to focus on our goals and ignore distractions. Have faith in God and trust Him always.
Do not be afraid to chose the narrow road, for it will lead to the righteous path of God.
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