Thursday, August 15, 2024


"To see is to believe!" Most people say and do this before they are convinced that you are telling the truth. They want you to show tangible evidence before they will believe you. Can we believe in something that we don't see and experience? How can we eliminate doubts plaguing our minds and interrupting our beliefs?

Whenever we hear gossip from our neighbors, we ask, "Is that true? I will not believe it until I see it". But what if we don't need physical evidence because word of mouth and testimonies are enough. This is how the words from the bible are God-breath and with guidance from the Holy Spirit. So, everything written is accurate and meant to inspire and guide us in living our lives.

If others have seen and experienced it and you don't, will it make a difference if you are the one who bears witness? In John 20:29, Jesus said to Thomas, "Because you have seen Me, have you believed? Blessed are they who did not see and yet believed." In this verse, Thomas does not believe his fellow disciples that they saw Jesus alive, and he further wants proof to see the exact wounds in his hands. When Thomas saw Jesus, he realized his doubts were not valid. He knelt down and asked forgiveness and glorified Jesus.  Even though Thomas doubted at first, he humbled himself, accepted his wrong doubts, and ended up sharing the gospel with the nations.

Most of us are like Thomas. We doubt and ask for more proof to prove the existence of something. But being a Christian does not need evidence because all divine wisdom and knowledge are written in the bible by disciples and followers of Christ. Their words are God-breathe, and the Holy Spirit guided them to write every word in the scripture. They are witness to the miracles of God, and we are lucky that we can read them after thousands of years have begun.

Let us BELIEVE and not doubt God's promise and teachings...

Lively and
Inspirational to 
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