Wednesday, August 14, 2024



Do you give out of love or out of obligation? Our resources are limited, and we work hard to earn a living and pay our bills. Frequently, it's hard to donate and give something if we are also in need. How can we have a heart to give without expecting anything in return?

As a working mom, I always budget my salary and see that I have allocated money for specific items. So, I am a checklist mom.  I love to list all my possible expenses and know that I did not forget something. If there are unexpected expenses or someone needs urgent money, I am hesitant to give because I am on a budget myself, and it will be ruined if I give a portion of it to things that are not listed. However, I realized that every person has different circumstances, and you may be well-off than me. If ever I am on a budget and someone needs money, especially if my mom and dad ask for it, I will find ways to have money to give them. If God has assigned you to become a channel of blessings for others, then it's an opportunity for you to give without hesitation.

In  2 Corinthians 9:7, it says:

"Each of you should give what you have decided to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

When we give, it should be from the heart and with gladness. Giving without worrying about losing money to someone is a great feeling. Because you are not losing your money, you're gaining something while giving; generosity is what you gain by giving favor to those in need. 

When you GIVE..

Intentionally and

Giving is not always about financial things...

Grow as an
Volunteer with

GIVE your time to others...

Go and

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