Sunday, August 11, 2024

Joy in trials

Do you easily give up when faced with trials? Have you lost hope and never persevered in your plans? 

Every time we encounter problems of any kind, let us not think that it will make us down. Instead, let us picture it positively. Just like wanting a muscular body, we must endure the pain of exercise and sacrifice to have a healthy diet. But despite the hardship of getting in shape, the result is a perfectly healthy body.

In James 1:2-3 NIV, it says:
[2] Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, [3] because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

We don't need to worry when we encounter problems. Instead, we should be happy because its part of God's training to strengthen us. God gave us more strength to endure future trials and strengthen our faith and trust in Him.

TRIALS means to.....

Relevant and
Affairs by

Sometimes, when we have problems, we try to focus on them and spend too much time worrying. Let's be affirmative in responding to different challenges in life. Instead of being sad, let's divert that energy to be excited about finding solutions and developing various strategies to solve our problems. Whether it's about catching a deadline, a project that needs to be done, or a financial obstacle that needs to be solved. We can think about solutions and not worry about the adverse outcomes. We can do it because God is always on our side.

Let me end this devotional with a poem...


Challenges are always present.
We are on our knees, bent.
Can we stand up?
Can we not give up?

Have faith in God
Trials are not odd
Heads held up high
Deep breath and sigh

Trials produce perseverance
Makes us stronger by any chance
We are given strength to face it
So don't hesitate to solve it

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