Sunday, August 18, 2024


Is it hard to control yourself against temptations? How can you guard your heart and mind in committing sin?  

In Corinthians 10:13, Paul says, "God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand." 

We can bear all world temptations if we know what matters most. If we put God at the center of lives, then we can focus on Godly things. God will give us the strenght to endure temptations and empower us to focus on Christ-like manners. 

How can we exercise this? First, we need to be fully equipped with the word of God. Next, practice the teachings from the bible. Finally, be consistent in reading, meditating and praying to God everyday. We should stick to our routine so we will not fall out and be out of control from wordly temptations.

Be consistent. Be active. Stay focus. We can stand any temptation because God is faithful.

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