Monday, August 12, 2024


How many plans do you have? Do you have a plan for a trip? A career shift? Buying a new house or car? Save money for education?  We have dozens of plans, but sometimes it's difficult to accomplish them all. 

Do we ask God to guide us in this work when we plan? Or do you just ignore His signs? Clearly, the bible is very straightforward in reminding us how to prepare. Proverbs 16:9 NIV says: "[9] In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps."

It is clear that when we plan, we should commit to God for all our work, for He will establish our plans. Pray and always ask for guidance when you plan. If the results of your plans are not according to your expectations, it's okay because it's God's plan, and He has a purpose.

I experienced a lot of job application rejections before I got my job at a state university. I had 7 scholarship rejections before being accepted for my last 8th PhD scholarship application. Every rejection and failure is part of God's plan. So keep hope. Keep moving forward in accomplishing your plans.

Remember about how to do your PLANS....

Accomplishments and

Remember the foundation of your PLANS...

Plan your
According to

PLANS have purpose and challenges before winning it....

Plan with a purpose
Life is not always magnum opus
Accomplishments are hard to get
Never give up until you sweat
Submit to God and win!

May the Lord God give us the strength and wisdom to plan and endure all challenges in life.

1 comment:

  1. i love reading your blog it's so inspiring. keep going and continue to inspire others
