Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Are we afraid to admit our mistakes? Or we don't want to be embarrassed and accountable for our wrongdoings because of our pride? It takes maturity and a sense of humility to accept mistakes, ask for forgiveness, learn a lesson, and move forward.  How far are you in admitting your mistakes? 

In Acts 3:19, Paul says "Now repent of your sins and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped away. Paul emphasized in this verse that we can start a new life with Christ in our lives, by admitting all our past sins and moving forward to a path of righteousness. He highlighted the word "wiped away", which means that there are no records of wrongs anymore because all of those things are erased and are all forgiven, if you accept Lord Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Saviour, and repent all your sins. 

Indeed, we are fortunate to have a merciful God. Who is willing to accept us anytime, when we are ready to repent our sins and commit our life to Him. There is no perfect time or day for this, and sometimes this is not planned. But, whatever day and time that you are ready to admit your mistakes, God will accept us wholeheartedly, He is always waiting for us to come to Him.

When we REPENT we commit to have a transformation in our lives...

Personality by
Employing a
Transformation with God

Let us be transformed by the goodness of God!

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