Friday, January 13, 2023


A new year and a new hope for miracles this year 2023. Before we move forward for this new year, we need to reflect on how 2022 was a blessing to us. I have a lot of things to be thankful for last year. I got a scholarship abroad (South Korea). My children went to private school. Our college was the best-performing unit. I was promoted from Assistant Professor III to Associate Professor II (rank improvement but praying for a real salary increase this year with differential). I traveled to South Korea safely and even had a tour of famous tourist spots like Nami Island and Lake Euiam. I have experienced the best education from Korean professors at my university (Kangwon National University). I have gained a lot of new friends from different parts of the world. Learn some Korean Language (hopefully, I will improve).  In conclusion, 2022 was a blast, I had a lot of milestones last year that is now engraved in my core memory. However, despite these gains, there are also cons because I am away from my family and I cannot be there for them every day. But I am still thankful that we can still communicate every day (thanks to technology!) and they are in good health. 

These successes in 2022 were pure hard work, luck may be a small part, but I did make a lot of effort to pursue my goals. I have failed many times, but I recovered from every failure, and that's the main lesson I have had for the past years. There were a lot of ups and downs in my life, but I persevered and was consistent every day that I need to work hard and act on my dreams and it did! Miracles do happen if you lift up to God all your worries and cares and all your plans shall be established (Proverbs 16:3). 


As I start this year, I am praying to God for miracles in my life, my family, my colleagues, my institution, my ministry, my church, my community, and my nation. I am praying for good health,  financial provision, and emotional/mental/spiritual/psychological/physical/social stability. I am praying for my family's health, education, and safety every day. I am praying for career advancement, a prayer for guidance, direction, and wisdom in my studies and in doing research works this year. I am praying for the ministry and the church's mission to honor God and make disciples, may we be fruitful in spreading the gospel in every nation. For my community and nation, to achieve success economically and maintain peace and order. I lift up to God all my prayers and I have faith and trust that all of these things will be granted in His perfect time. Amen!

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