Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Love your neighbor

Do you get along with everyone? Is it hard to adjust to someone with a different attitude? How can you love them even in their difficult attitude?

Love one another. Its a common phrase everbody utters but it is difficult to handle. We cannot please everybody and neither does people like us as what they want us to be. People have different personalities and if extremes collide there will be chaos. 

I remember my terrible boss before that no matter how hard I remember all of her instructions and follow it, it was never enough because she still gets angry when she is not in the mood. She is the only person who had hurt me the most in my life. She has uttered hurtful words which shattered my emotions and affected me emotionally and psychologically and I cannot work properly because it distracts me. 

Eventhough I was hurt and she has awful personality, I still respect her as our boss and second mother. I fully understand where she is coming from because she is lonely and no one showed her love when she was a child. God reminds us to be patient to difficult people. To love our neighbors even if its difficult. We should not hold grudges against them and not seek revenge. This is what Leviticus 19:18 says.

No matter how hard it is to adapt to different types of people. Be patient and love them as yourself even if its difficult. Do not take revenge even if they hurt you. Spread love and kindness everyday.

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