Monday, July 17, 2023

Regrets to Assets

One of my biggest regrets in life was when I dissapointed my parents. In 2008, they have heard the bad news from me. I became pregnant and soon married at a young age of 22. I just graduated college in 2007 and just 1 year after graduation, my life changed forever. I was not able to help my parents to buy their own house, treat them in restaurants, travel in different places and spending more time with them to take care of them. A lot of precious time were lost because my time was focused on taking care of my own family. 

Eventhough I was not able to be the daughter that they expected me to be, I can still mend their broken hearts. I am still alive and I can do something for them. I can make up for the time that was lost. I will pray for them and share the gospel. 

In making up to my parents is also what Manasseh did to humble himself before God and ask for his forgiveness and he was made king again (2 Chronicles 33:12).

I will serve and honor my parents and to give back what they have done to me when I was young. They have sacrificed a lot for me for my education at a private school and later on until college. I did not have much money when I was a student, but I pursued and its time to give back to them. 

Regrets cannot be taken back its already done. You may hurt your loved ones or you did not soens more time with them. But you can always create new memories of love, kindness, compassion and perservance to the ones you have hurt. As long as we are alive and dedicate our lives to God, we can do a lot of things because nothing is impossoble with Him! Let us turn our regrets to assets! To God be the glory and honor!

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