Thursday, July 13, 2023


I read a book "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek. Its an inspirational piece because he wrote about successful people, companies and communities, who are certain about their purpose of why they are doing it. He emphasized that for us to have a successful life our why should be the center and anything else will follow, your how? what? and when? Its about how to dig deep in our hearts on why are we doing this and what is our main purpose.

We can also relate this on how King Solomon ask God for wisdom to govern his people. He has written most of the passages in the book of Proverbs. In Proverbs 20:5, the scripture clearly depicts how we can draw out something from our inner self, our main purpose in life, and how we can accomplish that goal. We should dig deeper on what's inside our hearts.

In our journey in Christian life, there some confusions, hesitations and doubts if he can walk to the right path. To have a sense of direction, we need to uncover what's in our hearts and dig deeper in our souls to control our minds on why we are doing it, and map out our plans on how we can do it step by step. 

Know your why, focus on your purpose and dig deeper to draw insights from your heart like the deep waters.

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