Thursday, July 20, 2023

Sound of Silence

There are times that I want to be alone but it is also lonely all by yourself. Its my first time to live alone and to be far away from my family. As I decided to study here in Korea for 3 years, I know the consequences that it will take...loneliness. I struggled during the first few months of my stay here. I cannot just talk to my family everytime because I have a room mate and our room is small and I dont want to disturb anybody. I make it to call my family once a day. 

I decided to live alone outside the university dormitory to concentrate and be able to call my family anytime I want. I also want to have privacy in using the bathrooms rather than sharing it in the dormitories. I also want to cook my own food because I am tired of heating food in the microwave and spending too much eating outside. I am also not comfortable in switching dormitories during vacation. I preferred to have my own space and rest at my own time. I was alone and no one to talk to.

I struggled alone here in Korea. I handled my problems alone. When I have no more money to buy food, I just manage what's left. In the midst of hunger and desperation and when I was on the brink of depression, I lied facing the floor and wept. I prayed to God to deliver me from this suffering and ask for His provisions. In the midst of silence in my room being alone, I heard a loud noise deep within me , a sound of shouting, crying for help. But in that loudness from my heart,  I heard the whisper of the Lord. "Jen,  do not worry about what you will eat..." I dwell on the words from Jesus' in Matthew 6:25:

“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing?
Matthew 6:25 NLT

I am reminded that God is real. He always make the impossible possible. I just need to put my faith and trust unto him. I prayed and trust for his provisions, and He answered through my classmate who transfered money so I can buy groceries. The Holy Spirit can make marvelous things if you believe, there will be miracles.

Elijah also heard the whisper of God in the midst of war and chaos in 1Kings 19:12. He heard the sound of a whisper and he was saved. God called him and he answered and he was delivered from the hands of the enemy.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,even if we hear noises in our surroundings and we get distracted by all these disturbances, remember that we can always find peace and quiteness with the Lord. Focus, concentrate and listen to His call, submit to Him all your worries and cares and He will deliver you from it. The Sound of Silence is a Whisper of Hope from God. Always find peace in this noisy world in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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